Use a gentle cleanser or just plain salt and water to clean the piercing, recommend#s Freshtrends.
It's important to rinse the area with warm, clean water every day. Changing out jewelry or stopping the aftercare before the piercing is fully healed can set your healing process back, warns Freshtrends. Unlike other areas, your nipples are far more sensitive. Caring for a piercing becomes even more important when the site is your nipple. Pain tolerance varies from person to person, which is why there are some piercings that are better suited for people who don't like pain. While the initial piercing itself is painful for a few seconds, the discomfort gradually subsides if correct aftercare is followed. If there's lots of pain or swelling, if the piercing area becomes inflamed, or if it secretes foul-smelling fluid, you should see a doctor. Your body could start rejecting the jewelry, and it's important to keep an eye out for warning signs, according to Healthline. Speaking to Refinery29, he shares that for some people, there is also the chance the nipple piercing won't ever take. Brian Keith Thompson, the owner of Body Electric Tattoo, is a piercer who's worked with many celebrity clients.